
乔依·安立奎《Losing The Love》好听的声音打动你


乔依·安立奎《Losing The Love》好听的声音打动你

JoyEnriquez,拉丁裔节奏蓝调歌手,1995年在全国性的知名选秀节目当中,连续十一周登上最佳女歌手的宝座。首支单曲《Tell Me How You Feel》在一个星期之内,攻占各大电台排行榜点播率,1999年,她为获得两项金球奖提名的<安娜与国王>电影原声带录制了抒情曲。而在1997年,她则是为Whitney Houston与Mariah Carey替<埃及王子>电影原声带所破天荒合唱的担任幕後和声。

来自她的首张大碟《Joy Enriquez》中便已获得美国R&B界的巨匠Baby face及Rodney Jerkins的青睐,并协助她制作歌曲。能够于初出道便能加盟Laface唱片公司并与Toni Braxton成为同门姊妹,JoyEnriquez的实力当然非同凡响,首张细碟作品《Tell Me How You Feel》骚劲十足,〈I Can‘t Believe〉及〈Situation〉中的表现亦非常称职,感情流畅自然,是极具水准的作品。至于〈Without You〉、〈Just When I Needed you〉及〈Losin‘ The Love〉中的JoyEnriquez,在某程度中原来声线类似R&B天后Mariah Carey。当然,拥有这么强横唱腔的女歌手在乐坛上绝对买少见少,所以JoyEnriquez的出现绝对是一个惊喜。

另外,拉丁风于美国的盛行关系,拥有拉丁血统的Joy在唱片中演译了〈Shake Up The Party〉及〈I Don‘t Want You〉等作品,给人一个跳舞的机会!加上《安娜与国王》的电影主题作品作为结尾,《Joy Enriquez》给予歌迷一个绝对唱家班的印象,凭着甜美俏丽的面孔,加上稳打稳扎的唱功。


Losing The Love
sung by: Joy Enriquez

There are days when I regret it
The things I said to you
I put my trust in no one
It broke my heart and I blamed it on you
You were kind and oh so gentle
But I refused to see
That someone like you existed
I was somewhere in denial
While you were loving me
I cried myself to sleep last night
When I woke up
There were tear stains on my pillow
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up
Without you in my life
I will always feel lonely
Losing the love
From someone like you
Not a day goes by without something
Reminding me of you
The truth is that I miss you
It gets so hard not being with you
There are times when I go crazy
In the twilight of the night
How I long to be your woman again
There's pain that I hold
That will not let me go
I cried myself to sleep last night
When I woke up
There were tear stains on my pillow
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up
Without you in my life
I will always feel lonely
Losing the love
From someone like you
I don't wanna make this too hard
But I just wanna be where you are
In your life, by your side, forever
I cried myself to sleep last night
When I woke up
There were tear stains on my pillow
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up
Without you in my life
I will always feel lonely
Losing the love
From someone like you



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