Panda Antivirus 的1个进程是个杀毒软件的 在杀毒过程中确实需要占用很多资源的 作者: zzw87477811 时间: 2011-4-2 23:47
Recommendation for psimreal.exe:
psimreal.exe is not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it.
Author: Panda Software
Part Of: Panda Antivirus
安全等级 (0-5): 0
间谍软件: No
病毒: No ( Remove psimreal.exe )
木马: No ( Remove psimreal.exe )
Memory Usage: N/A
System Process: No
Background Process: No
Uses Network: No
Hardware Related: No
Common psimreal.exe Errors: N/A
你去试试用超级兔子的进程管理器,它会告诉你能否关闭,还有如果它是开机就有的话,那么就去使用魔法设置的开机项目,你还可以使用开始-运行-msconfig-回车-启动-勾掉开机不需要启动的-应用-OK! 作者: jeaiy 时间: 2011-4-3 15:15
psimreal.exe is part of Panda Antivirus and is used in alerting and reporting. This process should not be removed to ensure that your system is secure. 作者: danei210 时间: 2011-4-4 22:54